Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stupid people

I try, I try, I try. I try so hard. I don't know how else to deal with the inconsistencies of people in their intelligence, their manners, and their overall demeanor.

Is it me? Is my tolerance level that low that I can't learn to overlook the shortcomings of others? I really need to do some deep introspection because obviously it has to be me.

No way. People are stupid.

'Nuf said.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Celebs - I'm OVER them!

I don't know about you...but I'm tired, really tired of hearing about all of these people. I don't care who just got off the plane from England and I don't want to know what someone ate in jail.


Aren't there more important things in this world other than the mediocre lives of these people?

What do you think?